Online Loan Payments
When paying a Family Savings loan payment using a debit card, an electronic recurring payment or an e-check from another institution, we have made the process simple and easy.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I register for the service?
Register your account through the loan payment portal. Follow the prompts to complete registration.
What loans may I pay with this service?
When paying a Family Savings loan from another financial institution using a debit card or and electronic check, we have made the process simple and easy. There is a small fee for the service unless you set up recurring payments. Follow this link to launch our loan payment portal.
What type of accounts may be used to pay my Family Savings loan?
Any loan at Family Savings may be paid using this payment portal. You may pay using any type of deposit account or by using a debit card from another financial institution. Be sure to have the complete account number and routing number when setting up a payment from a deposit account such as checking account.
Is there a Fee for using this service?
Yes, there is a convenience fee of $8 per loan payment unless the payment is set up as a recurring monthly payment.
Is there a limit on how much can be paid using this service?
A maximum payment of $2,500 will be accepted through the online portal. If you would like to make a payment larger than $2,500, please contact FSCU by calling 888-311-3728 for assistance. Members may schedule single payments up to 7 days out.
What is Express Pay?
Express pay allows members a one-time payment without registering on the online portal.
See Terms and Conditions for the Online Loan Payment Portal.